8mm黑色字母吊飾配切邊橢圓鏈手鏈(STL-B280) Stainless Steel 8mm Black Initial with Cutting Oval Link Bracelet

Initial字母 A to Z



STL-B280 8MM黑色英文字母吊飾配5MM切邊橢圓鏈手鏈 Stainless Steel 8mm Initial Charm with 5mm Diamond Cut Oval Link Bracelet 字母可選 Initial Letter: A to Z 顏色Color: 鋼色Steel / 淺金色Gold / 玫瑰金Rose Gold / 黑色Black (by PVD 負離子真空電鍍) 字母尺碼Initial : 8mm x 6.5mm / Thickness: 2.5mm 鏈尺碼Chain : 7mm x 6mm / Thickness: 1.6mm 長度Length: 16cm / 17cm / 18cm / 19cm配龍蝦扣 重量Weight: 10.0gram
