不銹鋼淺金色蝕刻英文字母圓吊牌配雙行鏈手鏈(STL-B281) Stainless Steel Gold Plated Initial Letter Round Charm with Double Strands Chains Bracelet

Initial 字母



STL-B281 不銹鋼淺金色14mm圓牌蝕刻英文字母配兩行鏈手鏈 Stainless Steel Gold Plated Initial Letter Round Charm with Double Strands Chain Bracelet 顏色Color: 淺金色/磨光 Polish Gold by PVD 負離子真空電鍍 圓型size:14mm圓蝕刻字母14mm Round with etched Initial Letter from A to Z (Thickness 1.5mm) 雙行鏈 double chain:12 x 8mm paper clip chain橢圓圈鏈 + 2 x 1.5mm flat oval with bead station Chain 扁O字鏈配珠仔 長度Length:16cm配龍虾扣 + 2cm 加長鏈 重量Weight: 10gram
